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  • How would the Online Classes run?

    You will receive unique log-in and personalized access into our Course Learning Area where you find all learning materials for your use including Video and Audio content of 15 Modules, Workbooks, Recommending Reading, and Resources. Book Reviews, Learning Discussions and Team Work happen weekly in a Small Learning Team (on WhatsApp) led by Team Moderators.

  • How do I access my courses, download resources and submit assignments?

    Please log in and visit the User Guide in the Pre-Requisite Administrative Onboarding and follow the step by step guidelines.

  • What do the Small Learning Teams really offer?

    The Small Learning Teams deepen learning, reflection and community which boost the overall experience you will enjoy during the Course. Every week, students within SLTs of between 25 and 50 in total, will hold reviews on the Lead Session and Mentorship Seminar of the week, work on assignments together and spend some time praying for one another. They may also host a Team Project that impacts directly on a community of choice.

  • Tell me more about the Team Project.

    This is so exciting! Students (both in the Onsite and Online tracks) will work within their Small Learning Teams to brainstorm and agree on a Project that takes the gospel to the Streets. Each will host an impactful project within a community of their choice, as forerunners who engage with the system and solve a social problem.

  • My friend wasn't able to join the batch. Can I share my log in credentials so we can do the course together?

    It is a Violation of our School's Legal and Privacy Policy to share your login details with friends or family, who are not members of the Program. Please note that this will be visible to us, and we could permanently revoke your access to the Program without notice or warning to you. Encourage your friend to join the next batch!

  • When is the next batch of the FIREBRAND Forerunners Course?

    The Course will reopen as Online-Only by July 2020. An onsite week-long Advanced MasterClass for our Cohort 1 and 2 Alumni is scheduled for August 2020 by God’s grace.

  • How can I know more about FIREBRAND, FIREBRAND Festivals and the Books – FIREBRAND, FIREBRAND Prayer Journal?

    Thank you for your interest. Please learn more about FIREBRAND here (Link to the home page). Please check here for these resources. (link to Good news though! As a student, the President has gifted you with a copy! Log in to dive in!